Testimony Tuesday – Elisabeth

Soooo, I have a story to share (with the permission of my husband)…

I recently went through the most challenging time of my life… and I got to a place I never thought I’d be – I had a miscarriage.

I asked God all sorts of questions; I cried everyday… I lost my song… My world became grey, no encouragement made sense…

I mean, how can a person who encourages and ministers to people go through the things she prays against? I had to encourage people on radio everyday but deep down I had an unspoken pain. It was an emotional roller coaster… Bottom line, I was in a very dark place.

The sadness became too much… I had to temporarily deactivate my social media accounts. Everyday, my prayer was, “Lord give me joy again…” The kind of joy that is not dependent on the good times only. The God kind of Joy.

Then this photo shoot happened – thanks to New Generation Media! – and the pictures were sent to me.

I see it as a miracle! The smile you see there is real. God has given me joy! I can’t explain how or when it happened! 🙌🏾


And this is my testimony – God has healed my broken heart. He has given me Joy!!😭😭

I’ve been doing my research and have found that there are many women who have gone through this experience. Our culture does not allow us to share these experiences, and society expects women to “get over it”; to “just have another baby “… but that is a very painful place to be.

I am sharing because it’s time to break the silence.

Dear Woman, if you’ve gone through this and have no one to speak to, I am here. You are not alone. Know that there is healing and restoration.

Dear Public, give couples without kids a break! You don’t understand what they are going through.

I will be sharing more about my experiences in the coming months but for today, I wanted to share this testimony. That God heals broken hearts and He gives Joy unspeakable!

To keep following Elisabeth’s story, please do like/ follow her Facebook page using this link:

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